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AccessiWay Academy: The digital accessibility training hub

Build an accessible and inclusive corporate culture
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Collage di forme geometriche colorate e di immagini, la prima mostra una ragazza che naviga sul web, la seconda due membri del Team AccessiWay che guardano lo schermo di un computer.
Accessibility is an educational issue that needs to be internalized to improve the feeling of inclusion and awareness.


Findomestic Gruppo BNP Paribas
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico Secondo
Università Iulm
Tag TalentGarden
Sistema Socio Sanitario Regione Lombardia - ATS Lombardia
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Università Telematica Internazionale UniNettuno
Unipol Sai Assicurazioni
SAA - School of Management
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Digital Accessibility First
Our vertical courses on digital accessibility will provide your employees with a solid foundation for tackling all the challenges of web accessibility-from creating and uploading content online to customer service and code correction.
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Agenda 2030 and Accessibility
L'accessibilità digitale è un principio fondamentale alla base dell'Agenda ONU 2030. L'accessibilità si allinea strettamente a diversi SDG, in particolare all'Obiettivo 4 (Istruzione di qualità), all'Obiettivo 8 (Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica) e all'Obiettivo 10 (Riduzione delle disuguaglianze).
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Right to Privacy
GDPR is not just a regulation, but a promise of data protection for all. Learn with us how it integrates with digital accessibility to create an inclusive and secure environment for all users.
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Let's start with the places of training
We regularly bring our know-how to students at Italian universities to start accessibility and inclusive thinking right away.
Language, behaviors, UX/UI, code: depending on the University's specialization, we adapt to offer students the most inherent information.
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Digital Accessibility First
Our vertical courses on digital accessibility will provide your employees with a solid foundation for tackling all the challenges of web accessibility-from creating and uploading content online to customer service and code correction.
Agenda 2030 and Accessibility
Digital accessibility is a fundamental principle underpinning the UN 2030 Agenda. Accessibility aligns closely with several SDGs, in particular Goal 4 (Quality education), Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth) and Goal 10 (Reducing inequality).
Right to Privacy
GDPR is not just a regulation, but a promise of data protection for all. Learn with us how it integrates with digital accessibility to create an inclusive and secure environment for all users.
Let's start with the places of training
We regularly bring our know-how to students at Italian universities to start accessibility and inclusive thinking right away.
Language, behaviors, UX/UI, code: depending on the University's specialization, we adapt to offer students the most inherent information.

We have made 600+ brands accessible

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Logo ForbesLogo La StampaLogo Startup ItaliaLogo Il MessaggeroLogo RDSLogo ADN KronosLogo l'Economia del Corriere della SeraLogo Super AbileLogo ANSA