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Privacy and data
Legal compliance
AccessiWay is GDPR compliant because no personal or sensitive end-user data is processed or stored. The only personal data that is transmitted to our servers is the IP address. The software works client-side in a local session, so the other data we process (purely technical: css attributes and html elements) are saved in 'Local Storage' and not on AccessiWay's servers.
accesScan does not collect data from your website and complies with the GDPR and CCPA data privacy regulations
AccessiWay is GDPR compliant because no personal or sensitive end-user data is processed or stored. The only personal data that is transmitted to our servers is the IP address, but this is not transmitted unencrypted as the transmission is end-to-end encrypted. The software works client-side in a local session, so the other data we handle (purely technical: css attributes and html elements) are saved in 'Local Storage' and not on AccessiWay's servers. In addition, the company responsible for processing the data is Israeli and the owners of the servers, even if they are US-based, have no access to the data (precisely because of the end-to-end encryption). Israel is on the GDPR White List.
The Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (Digital Italy Agency) is the technical agency of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers whose task is to ensure the realisation of the objectives of the Italian Digital Agenda and to contribute to the spread of the use of information and communication technologies. The controlling body of the Digital Transition that defines the objectives and methodologies of the Digital Agenda, it pursues the highest level of technological innovation in the organisation and development of the public administration and in the service of businesses and citizens.
In Italy, the law that regulates web accessibility, i.e. that has transposed the European directives, is Law no. 4/2004 of 9 January 'Stanca Law'. We can turn our attention in particular to the following articles: Article 3: (Providers) - This law applies to the public administrations referred to in referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Legislative Decree 30 March 2001, No. 165, as amended, to public economic entities, private companies that are concessionaires of public services, companies regional municipalised companies, public assistance and rehabilitation and rehabilitation agencies, transport and telecommunications companies with a majority public capital holding and companies contracted to provide computer services, bodies governed by public law bodies Article 3.1a: 1-bis. This Law also applies to legal entities legal entities other than those referred to in paragraph 1, which offer services to the public public through websites or mobile applications, with an average turnover average turnover, in the last three years of activity, of more than ((five hundred)) million euros. Article 3 -c: Providers shall provide and periodically update a detailed, exhaustive and clear accessibility declaration on the and clear statement on the compliance of their respective websites and mobile applications with this law. Article 8.3: The administrations referred to in Article 3, paragraph 1, within the within the limits of budgetary availability, shall provide professional refresher courses on accessibility ((, including those relating to the methods of creating, managing and updating of accessible content of websites and mobile applications)).
The European Directives that regulate the topic of web accessibility at supranational level are: DIRECTIVE (EU) 2016/2102 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of public sector bodies' websites and mobile applications DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/882OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 17 April 2019 on accessibility requirements for products and services
WCAG 2.1 is a 1,000-page guide explaining how accessible websites should look and function for people with disabilities, a group that comprises about 20 per cent of the world's population. The WCAG covers the needs of a wide range of disabilities, in particular blind people and their use of screen-readers such as JAWS, NVDA and Voiceover, people with motor disabilities and their needs for keyboard navigation, people suffering from epilepsy, colour blindness, cognitive and learning disabilities and other visual impairments. The first WCAG were published in 1999, revised in 2008 as WCAG 2.0 and updated again in 2018 in the form we use today, the 2.1 WCAG 2.1 at AA level: GUIDELINES ESTABLISHING THE STANDARD FOR WEB ACCESSIBILITY LEGISLATION. THEY HAVE BEEN ISSUED BY A NON-LEGAL BODY, FOR THIS REASON THEY HAVE NO LEGAL VALUE. WCAG2.1AA INSPIRE LEGISLATION;
Web accessibility is a process, so to strive for the highest level of compliance and accessibility you need to rely on expert consultants. As such, we always recommend combining the automated services of accessWidget software with our consultancy services that will help you understand the legal requirements and execute them according to best practices (those defined by AgID), so that you can work together to achieve the highest possible level of compliance for your website.
acceScan has no legal authority, it provides a score on the compliance status of your website's page templates, which can help you and your team decide on a course of action.
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