‼️ Is your website already accessible?

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How can we help you?

Payment and prices
  • Costs and licences

  • Purchases

Costs of licenses

The very competitive price of annual licences for accessWidget is "affordable" for several reasons.

  • The high number of customers who have decided to use this software to start on the path to accessibility.
  • The fact that it autonomously and automatically carries out more than 75% of the corrections required to fix elements on the site. Without accessWidget, these corrections would have to be carried out manually by IT developers, and this entails a 400% higher expense and significantly longer waiting times.

Our automatic software processes each domain, even if it is a sub-domain, and continues to process it every 24 hours. This means that the process carried out on a main domain is the same on a sub-domain, just as in terms of the amount of resources needed to make them accessible there is no difference. In fact, each sub-domain receives a Declaration of Accessibility and a certification of the specific services performed on the individual sub-domain. For these reasons, it is necessary to apply for several licences for several domains/subdomains.


Immagine di una ricerca su Google di: site:www.esempiosito.com.

Checking your site's page count is easy, just do a browser search. Type 'site:www.esempiosito.com' into the search bar. At the top before the list of sites you will find the words "About ... results" and that will be the approximate number of indexed pages under the domain you typed after site: If you think this number is inaccurate, please contact our representatives via our live chat on the site. We accept SiteMap or any other type of documentation showing the number of pages on the site.

At www.accessiway.com you can select and place in your shopping cart all the services you consider useful and necessary to improve the level of accessibility of your site, after which you can get in touch with one of our consultants to get an expert's opinion and to define the payment method.

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The Costumer Care area will receive your contact information and get back to you as soon as possible!

Haven't we solved your doubts?

No problem, we are always available for any questions or concerns you may have.The Costumer Care area will receive your contact information and get back to you as soon as possible!

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