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Installation Guides
  • CMS platforms

  • Management tools

You must implement our installation script directly in the code of your site, just before the body end tag body. Follow the steps below:

  • Download, install and activate a plugin for inserting Headers and Footers (e.g. "Insert Headers and Footers" or "Head, Footer and Post Injections")
  • Once the plugin has been activated, access the interface by going to the Settings menu, where you will find an entry dedicated to the plugin.
  • In the empty 'Footer' box, paste the implementation script you received from us when you registered your site on our service.
  • If you do not have an implementation script, go to your AccessiWay account, click on 'Installation'.
  • After pasting the code, click Save and publish your site to make the changes.

To install accessiWidget, if your website is integrated into the Joomla system, you must implement our installation script directly in the code of your site, just before the body end tag body, via the management system or FTP. Follow the steps below:

  • Create your Javascript file
  • Add your custom code in a file called mycustom.js.
  • Upload that file to your site. For example, we will upload the file to our template, but it could be anywhere: templates/mytemplate/js/mycustom.js
  • Install the "ADD CUSTOM JS" plugin
  • Go to the extensions page, search for "Add Custom JS" and click on the download button.
  • The zip file you downloaded must be unzipped to discover the installers. You will see two folders containing a module and a plugin. In this case, we use the plugin (addcustomjavascript.zip)
  • Login to your Joomla administrator area and go to Extensions > Manage.
  • Click on "Upload a Package File" and look for the file addcustomjavascript.zip.
  • Click the 'Upload and install' button.

‍Setting up the plugin:

  • Go to Extensions > Plugins and search for 'System - Add Custom Javascript'.
  • Open the plugin for editing.
  • In the option Custom Javascript File Path, enter the path to your javascript file. In this example, we have chosen: templates/mytemplate/js/mycustom.js
  • Enable the plugin.
  • Choose "Order last" from the Ordering option.
  • Click the 'Save and Close' button.
  • Check the result.

Refresh your site to confirm that your custom Javascript code is loaded.

The following guide is compatible with in Drupal 7 and later versions. To implement our installation script, please follow the steps below:

  • Download and install the "asset_injector" module at this link
  • We recommend downloading the latest version of the module available, which can be found at the bottom of the page under "Releases".
  • Once you have installed the module go to Configuration > Development > Asset Injector > JS Injector and insert the accessWidget script removing the script tag when opening and closing the script
  • Set "add on every page" or "show on every page" to be able to display the AccessiWay widget on every page.

Follow these simple steps:

  • In your administration dashboard, click on "Storefront".
  • Click on "Script Manager" and on this page click on the "Create Script" button. Add the script name and a description (of your choice). For the following fields select these choices: ‍
  • "Location on page", select "Footer".
  • "Select pages where script will be added", select "All pages"
  • "Script category", select "Essential".
  • "Script type", select "Script".
  • In the empty field, paste the implementation script you received from us when you registered your site on our service. If you do not have an implementation script, log into your AccessiWay account, click on the "Download" section and download our Help.
  • After pasting in the code, click on 'Save' and then publish your site to make changes.

Follow these simple steps:

  • From within the Dashboard, click on the Settings icon in the top right-hand corner.
  • On the left-hand side of the menu click on "Website" and then click on "Pages".
  • On the "Templates" page, scroll down to "Site footer HTML".
  • In the space "Site footer HTML", paste the implementation script that you received from us when you registered your site on our service. If you do not have an implementation script, log into your AccessiWay account, click on the "Download" section and download our guide.
  • After pasting in the code, click on 'Save' and then publish your site to make changes.

Follow these simple steps:

  • Once you are logged in to the site management area, click on 'Online Store' in the bottom left menu and then click on 'Themes'.
  • Click on the 'Actions' drop-down menu and then on 'Edit Code'.
  • Just before the closing body tag, paste in the implementation script that you received from us when you registered your site on our service. If you do not have an implementation script, log into your AccessiWay account, click on the 'Download' section and download our Help.
  • In the top right-hand corner, click on 'Save'.

Follow these simple steps:

  • Go to the Administration Area menu and click on 'Settings'.
  • Select "Advanced".
  • Select "Code Injection". N.B: At the time of writing this guide, this feature is only available with Squarespace's premium Business and Commerce Plans.
  • In the empty "Footer" field, paste the implementation script you received from us when you registered your site on our service. If you do not have an implementation script, log into your AccessiWay account, click on the "Download" section and download our Guide.
  • After pasting in the code, click on 'Save'.

That is all! You have successfully installed.

Follow these simple steps:

  • From the Dashboard, in the menu click on "Design" and select the option "File Editor".
  • Within the "File Editor", you will find a list of editable files on the right-hand side under the title "Shortcuts". The first title of the "Theme Files", which is always the active template of your HTML file, always starts with "template_" and ends with ".html", as shown in the screenshot below.
  • Once located, simply click on it, and you will be asked, with a text editor, to edit the HTML code of your template (don't worry, it's not as difficult as it may initially seem!). N.B: If you have changed templates, you should find a selection box at the top left of the page, in which you can search for other templates installed on your website, and install AccessiWay on those as well.
  • AccessiWay will work wherever you place the code within your template. However, we suggest putting it right before the closing body body tag, which is always the second-to-last line of the file.
  • In the dedicated area, paste the implementation script that you received from us when you registered your site on our service. If you do not have an implementation script, log in to your AccessiWay account, click on the 'Download' section and download our Help.
  • Once you have pasted the code, click the 'Save' button in the top right-hand corner and update your website to make the changes.

That is all! You have successfully installed

Follow these simple steps:

  • Go to your Dashboard and click on 'Settings' for the website to which you want to add AccessiWay.
  • On the settings page, click on "Custom Code".
  • Scroll down until you see the "Footer Code". In the empty 'Footer Code' field, paste the implementation script you received from us when you registered your site on our service. If you do not have an implementation script, log into your AccessiWay account, click on the "Download" section and download our Help.
  • After pasting in the code, click on "Save Changes" and publish your site to make the changes.

That is all! You have successfully installed

Follow these simple steps:

  • Open the Weebly editor and click on 'settings'.
  • In the menu on the left-hand side, click on 'SEO'.
  • Add a site description
  • In the 'Footer Code' section, paste the implementation script you received from us when you registered your site for our service. If you do not have an implementation script, log into your AccessiWay account, click on the 'Download' section and download our Guide.
  • Click "Save" at the bottom of the page
  • Click "Publish" in the top right-hand corner of the page

That's it! You have successfully installed

Follow these simple steps:

  • Click on 'Settings' in the side menu of the 'Mysite' dashboard.
  • Scroll down to the 'Advanced' panel and click on 'Custom Code'.
  • Select 'Add Code' under 'Body-End', and then click 'Add Code'.
  • In the dedicated area, paste the implementation script you received from us when you registered your site on our service. If you do not have an implementation script, log into your AccessiWay account, click on the "Download" section, and download our Guide.
  • In the same window, add a name and select All Pages (so that the entire site is made accessible). From the drop-down menu presented, choose the option "Load code on each new page". Select the last option "Body-End" and then click "Apply".

Follow these simple steps:

  • In the website editor, click on the menu icon in the top left corner.
  • Click on 'Head Code'.
  • In the empty field 'Site Header Code', paste the implementation script you received from us when you registered your site on our service.
  • If you do not have an implementation script, go to your AccessiWay account, click on 'Download'.

Installing accessiWidget via Google Tag Manager is quick and easy. Just follow the steps below.

  • Log in to your Tag Manager account at the following link: https://tagmanager.google.com with your e-mail address and account password.
  • Change the name of the tag to 'AccessWay - Pixel' or a similar name and click on the first option 'Tag Configuration'.
  • On the right-hand menu, scroll down and select 'Custom HTML'.
  • In the empty HTML field, paste the implementation script you received from us when you registered your site for our service. If you do not have an implementation script, log into your AccessiWay account, click on the "Download" section and download our Help.
  • After pasting the script, just below it, you will see the "Activation" area. Click this button or the edit icon on the right.
  • In the new window that opens, select "All pages".
  • After clicking on "All Pages", Tag Manager will take you back to the previous window, where you must click on the "Save" button to save the tag.
  • After saving the tag, return to the main screen of your account in Tag Manager and click on the 'Submit' or 'Publish' button in the top right-hand corner.

If you are using a popular CMS or website builder, we probably have a dedicated guide for you. Otherwise, you can follow these steps to easily install AccessiWay: Go to your account area by clicking on "Account" in the top right-hand corner on the AccessiWay website. Enter the 'Installation' section

  • Quick and basic installation:‍ AccessiWay will appear with our default settings and design, all to provide the best customer experience.
  • Custom and advanced installation: allows you to customise the interface according to your brand guidelines and colours. Once you have chosen your desired installation method, copy and paste the presented script. Access your website builder and paste the code into the footers menu of your website, or place it just before the body end tag body.

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