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How can we help you?

Accessibility Services
  • Training and assistance

  • Standards and best practices

  • Costs and benefits

Training and assistance

Our training programme comprises several modules:

  • Introductory Module: Disability and Assistive Technologies.

    The course is designed for any professional figure (technical or not) as it provides a general perimeter on the world of web accessibility It offers a clear overview of the world of disability in relation to digital dynamics. Participants will learn about the most frequent disabilities, the main barriers in the digital world and assistive technologies. Furthermore, the European and Italian regulatory framework is introduced, respecting all AgID best practices and standards defined in WCAG 2.1AA
  • Technical Module: Content Creator

    The course is designed for those working in the field of digital content creation. The aim of the course is to provide content creators with all the practical information they need to do this correctly. Step by step, element by element, concrete cases will be studied and indications given on how to write all content in the correct way, therefore accessible and usable for people with disabilities. Respecting all AgID best practices and standards defined in WCAG 2.1AA
  • Technical Module: UX Designers

    The course is designed for those working in the field of digital product development. It offers a clear explanation of Italian and European regulations, international standards and recommendations for the development of accessible (WCAG 2.1 Compliant) and usable (heuristic analysis, thinking aloud protocol) digital products. Accessibility and design of elements such as: fonts, colours, spaces, sizes, icons, buttons and interactive elements of interfaces; from the design phase to verification and maintenance. Complying with all AgID best practices and standards defined in WCAG 2.1AA.

Standards and best practices

Article 3-Quater of the Stanca Law stipulates that all the subjects identified in Article 3 and 3.1bis, i.e. the Italian Public Administration and private companies with an average annual turnover - in the last three years - of more than 500M must submit a self-declaration to AgID by 23 September each year. The Accessibility Declaration indicates and describes the objectives and results achieved for the accessibility of one's own website. Among the various consulting services offered by AccessiWay you will also find support in the compilation of the Declaration, which includes a heuristic report of usability of the site and the declaration itself that you can use to fill out the AgID form. The service is designed specifically for entities that fall under the obligation, but also for private companies that have embarked on a path to accessibility.

Yes, absolutely. All our accessibility services follow the 'Best Practices' regulated and defined by AgID. In particular, the Accessibility Declaration is carried out on the AgID model required for public administrations and private companies with an average annual turnover - in the last three years - of more than 500M. Likewise, the User Test service complies with all the points listed by the Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale.

Costs and benefits

Ensuring a 100% level of legal compliance and real website usability in the area of Web Accessibility is very complicated. The AccessiWay software is a very efficient and effective first step for a website, as it is able to remediate more than 70% of the elements on the site in an automatic and automated way. This part, as explained, is only the first step towards the highest possible level of compliance for the website that will be possible to achieve, thanks to the consulting services provided by top experts in the field.

Our accessibility services are designed to be tailored to each client's needs, so to find out the price, you will need to contact a dedicated Account Manager, who will follow you through an introductory process, helping you to outline the best service to suit your reality. Once the dynamics have been clarified, we will provide you with a dedicated offer that you can consult.

You can find all the useful information about our accessibility services in the Services section. To understand which services are best suited to your needs, you can book a call with one of our dedicated experts who will accompany you on an introductory course to outline all the necessary steps to achieve the highest possible level of compliance and accessibility for your site.

Accessibility services make it possible to increase the level of compliance and usability of the site.

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