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Digital Accessibility Badge

Accessiway - digital accessibility badge per
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Digital touchpoint
Release date
Expiration date

Digital accessibility is a synonym for inclusion: AccessiWay aims to make the digital experience usable and functional to the widest possible audience.

AccessiWay has launched this badge as validation of the work done with [Company name] to ensure that on the release date, there are no critical errors(*) on the examined touchpoint (website, mobile app, etc.).


Level of compliance

There are 137 criteria of compliance that we check.
UNI EN 301549 is the standard that regulates verification.

Non-compliant criteria
Partial compliance*
Compliant criteria
Non-compliant criteria
*Valid until

The Badge

The compliance verification is carried out by the AccessiWay experts, where the conditions are applicable, according to the specific prospects included in the UNI EN 301549 standard.

*Critical errors:
An error is defined as critical when it obstructs the use of the page with specific configurations (for example, it’s impossible to press a button with the keyboard alone, or the attributes necessary to use the content via screen readers are missing, or the video subtitles which are essential for understanding the page are missing; etc.)



This badge represents the status of the digital touchpoint pages, audited on the delivery date. Any changes made to the touchpoint after this date may affect its accessibility and are not covered by this badge.

The compliance verification is carried out by our experts where the conditions are applicable, according to the specific prospects included in the UNI EN 301549 standard.

This badge guarantees the level of compliance achieved by the release date. Users are always encouraged to contact the company if they experience difficulty using the touchpoint.

Please contact the website manager directly for further information on compliance and any specific accessibility requests.